Constructors in Java | Type and Uses of Constructor

Constructors in Java

Constructors in Java

A constructor is a special method in Java that is used to initialize objects. It is called automatically when an object of a class is created. Constructors have the same name as the class and do not have a return type. They can be used to set initial values for object attributes or perform any other necessary initialization tasks.

Types of Constructors

Constructor Type Description Example
Default Constructor Constructor with no parameters. public MyClass() {}
Parameterized Constructor Constructor with parameters. public MyClass(int x, String y) {}
Copy Constructor Constructor that creates an object by copying the values from another object of the same class. public MyClass(MyClass obj) {}
Private Constructor Constructor that is marked as private and used for preventing the instantiation of a class. private MyClass() {}
Static Constructor Constructor that is used to initialize static variables or perform other static initialization tasks. static { /* static initialization code */ }


Here are five examples demonstrating the use of constructors in Java:

  1. Default Constructor

    public class Person {
        private String name;
        public Person() {
            name = "Unknown";
  2. Parameterized Constructor

    public class Car {
        private String brand;
        private int year;
        public Car(String brand, int year) {
            this.brand = brand;
            this.year = year;
  3. Copy Constructor

    public class Point {
        private int x;
        private int y;
        public Point(Point other) {
            this.x = other.x;
            this.y = other.y;
  4. Private Constructor

    public class Singleton {
        private static Singleton instance;
        private Singleton() {
            // Private constructor to prevent instantiation
        public static Singleton getInstance() {
            if (instance == null) {
                instance = new Singleton();
            return instance;
  5. Static Constructor

    public class MathUtils {
        private static final double PI;
        static {
            PI = 3.14159;

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