enum in java | Enum in Java: Learn the Basics of Enumeration

enum in java | Enum in Java: Learn the Basics of Enumeration

What is Enumeration in Java ? Why do we need Enumeration in Java?

ENUM, short for "enumeration," is a special data type in Java that represents a group of named constants. It provides a way to define a set of predefined values that a variable can take.

Creating an ENUM

In Java, you can create an ENUM using the enum keyword. Here's an example:

enum Day {

In this example, we define an ENUM named "Day" with the days of the week as constants.

Using an ENUM

An ENUM can be used in various ways in your Java code:

  • Assigning ENUM constants to variables:

Day today = Day.MONDAY;
  • Switch statements with ENUM cases:

switch (today) {
    case MONDAY:
        System.out.println("Today is Monday.");
    case TUESDAY:
        System.out.println("Today is Tuesday.");
    // ...
  • Iterating over ENUM values:

for (Day day : Day.values()) {

Benefits of ENUM

ENUMs offer several advantages:

  • Readability: ENUMs provide self-descriptive names for constants, making the code more readable and maintainable.
  • Type safety: The compiler ensures that only valid ENUM values are assigned to ENUM variables.
  • Enumerated set of values: ENUMs restrict the possible values that a variable can have, providing a predefined set of options.
  • Switch compatibility: ENUMs can be used in switch statements, improving code clarity and reducing the chances of errors.

By utilizing ENUMs in your Java code, you can enhance readability, maintainability, and type safety while providing a set of predefined values for variables.

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