Development in Java | SDLC Principle | Path ,Class Path, Jar, War, Ear

Development in Java | SDLC Principle | Path ,Class Path, Jar, War, Ear

What is the extension of Java? What is Jar, War, Ear files and What is Path, Classpath and difference between them? What is the process of development? What is the SDLC Princple ?

Java Development Phases

The development of Java classes typically involves several phases, including:

  1. Design: In this phase, the class structure, behavior, and relationships are defined. Class diagrams or UML diagrams may be used for designing classes.
  2. Implementation: In this phase, the actual coding of the classes takes place. The class methods, attributes, and logic are implemented based on the design.
  3. Compilation: The implementation code is compiled using a Java compiler, which translates the source code into bytecode that can be executed by the Java Virtual Machine (JVM).
  4. Testing: The compiled classes are tested using various techniques like unit testing, integration testing, and system testing to ensure that they function as expected.
  5. Documentation: Documentation, including class documentation, API documentation, and user documentation, is created to provide information about the classes and their usage.
  6. Packaging: The compiled classes and associated resources are packaged into JAR, WAR, or EAR files depending on the type of application being developed.
  7. Deployment: The packaged files are deployed to the appropriate environment, such as a web server or an enterprise application server, for execution.

These phases are part of the software development life cycle (SDLC) and ensure the successful creation, testing, and deployment of Java classes and applications.

Classpath vs Path in Java

In Java, the classpath and path are two important concepts used for locating and accessing external files and libraries. Although they serve similar purposes, there are significant differences between them:


The classpath is an environment variable that specifies the location(s) where the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) searches for Java class files and resources.

When you run a Java program, the JVM uses the classpath to locate the required classes and resources referenced by your code.

The classpath can be set in multiple ways:

  • Using the -classpath or -cp command-line option when running the Java program.
  • Setting the CLASSPATH environment variable.
  • Using build tools like Apache Maven or Gradle, which manage the classpath automatically based on project configuration.


The path is also an environment variable, but it is used to specify the directories where the operating system searches for executable files.

When you run a command from the command prompt or terminal, the operating system uses the path variable to locate the executable file associated with the command.

The path variable allows you to run executables from any location on the command prompt without specifying their full path.

Differences between Classpath and Path

Classpath Path
Used by the JVM to locate Java class files and resources. Used by the operating system to locate executable files.
Specifies locations for Java classes and resources. Specifies locations for executable files.
Allows Java programs to access required libraries and resources. Allows the operating system to find and run executables.
Can be set using command-line options, environment variables, or build tools. Can be set as an environment variable.

Understanding the differences between the classpath and path is important:

  • The classpath ensures that Java programs can locate and access the necessary classes and resources during runtime.
  • The path allows the operating system to locate and run executable files without specifying their full paths.

By appropriately setting the classpath and path variables, you can ensure the successful execution of Java programs and system commands.

Explain JAR, WAR,and EAR file in Java

JAR (Java Archive)

A JAR file is a Java Archive that combines multiple Java class files and associated resources into a single file. JAR files are used for packaging and distributing libraries, frameworks, and standalone applications in Java.

JAR files can be created using the jar command-line tool or using build tools like Apache Maven or Gradle.

WAR (Web Application Archive)

A WAR file is a Web Application Archive used for packaging and deploying web applications in Java. It contains all the necessary files, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Java classes, configuration files, and libraries, required for running a web application.

WAR files are typically deployed on web servers like Apache Tomcat, Jetty, or WildFly.

EAR (Enterprise Archive)

An EAR file is an Enterprise Archive used for packaging and deploying enterprise applications in Java. It contains multiple modules, such as JAR files, WAR files, and configuration files, required for running a complex enterprise application.

EAR files are used in enterprise application servers like IBM WebSphere, Oracle WebLogic, or JBoss.

Creating and Extracting JAR, WAR, and EAR Files in Java

In Java, you can create and extract JAR (Java Archive), WAR (Web Application Archive), and EAR (Enterprise Archive) files using different tools and libraries.

JAR (Java Archive)

To create a JAR file programmatically in Java, you can use the java.util.jar package and the JarOutputStream class. Here's an example:

import java.util.jar.JarOutputStream;
import java.util.jar.Manifest;

public class JarCreator {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        // Create a new JAR file
        JarOutputStream jarOutputStream = new JarOutputStream(new FileOutputStream("example.jar"), new Manifest());

        // Add files to the JAR
        jarOutputStream.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry("file1.txt"));
        jarOutputStream.write("This is file 1.".getBytes());

        jarOutputStream.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry("file2.txt"));
        jarOutputStream.write("This is file 2.".getBytes());

        // Close the JAR output stream

To extract the contents of a JAR file, you can use the java.util.jar package and the JarFile class. Here's an example:

import java.util.jar.JarFile;

public class JarExtractor {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        // Open the JAR file
        JarFile jarFile = new JarFile("example.jar");

        // Extract all files from the JAR -> {
            try {
                jarFile.extract(entry, entry.getName());
            } catch (IOException e) {

        // Close the JAR file

Create jar from command-prompt

jar cf

Replace with the desired name of the JAR file you want to create, and with the list of files or directories you want to include in the JAR. For example:

jar cf myapp.jar MyClass.class

Extracting a JAR file:

jar xf

Replace with the name of the JAR file you want to extract. For example:

jar xf myapp.jar

WAR (Web Application Archive)

To create a WAR file, you can use build tools like Apache Maven or Gradle, which automatically package your web application along with dependencies and resources into a WAR file.

To extract the contents of a WAR file, you can use a file extraction tool or simply rename the file extension from ".war" to ".zip" and extract it using any standard compression software.

WAR files are essentially ZIP files, so you can extract them using any standard compression software or command-line tools that support ZIP file extraction.

For example, you can use the unzip command in Linux or a similar tool in other operating systems:

unzip myapp.war

EAR (Enterprise Archive)

Similar to WAR files, EAR files are typically created using build tools like Apache Maven or Gradle when building enterprise applications. These tools package the necessary components and resources into an EAR file.

To extract the contents of an EAR file, you can use a file extraction tool or rename the file extension from ".ear" to ".zip" and extract it using any standard compression software.

By using the appropriate tools and techniques, you can easily create and extract JAR, WAR, and EAR files in Java to package and distribute your applications.

EAR files are also ZIP files, so you can extract them using compression software or command-line tools capable of handling ZIP files.

For example, you can use the unzip command:

unzip myapp.ear

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