main method

What is Main Method in Java?

In Java, the main method serves as the entry point for a Java program. It is the starting point of execution and has a specific signature and structure. Here's an explanation of the main method :

The Main Method

The main method is a special method defined in a Java class. It has the following signature:

public static void main(String[] args)

The main method is where the execution of a Java program begins. It acts as the entry point and is automatically called by the JVM when you run a Java program. It can be found in the class that you specify as the starting point of your program.

The main method accepts an array of strings as its parameter, typically named args. This allows you to pass command-line arguments to your Java program. These arguments can be accessed and utilized within the main method as needed.

Explaining the Java main Method Signature

The main method is a special method in Java that acts as the entry point for a Java program. It has a specific signature with several parts. Here's an explanation of each part:

Part Description
public Access modifier indicating that the main method is accessible from any class.
static Keyword indicating that the main method belongs to the class itself and can be called without creating an instance of the class.
void Return type indicating that the main method does not return any value.
main Name of the main method, which serves as the entry point for the Java program.
String[] args Parameter of the main method, which is an array of strings used to pass command-line arguments to the program.


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