Java coding standards

Java Coding Standards

Coding standards are guidelines that help ensure consistency and readability in software development. They define rules and conventions that developers should follow when writing code. Here are some common Java coding standards rules along with examples:

  1. Naming Conventions:
    • Class names should be in PascalCase. For example: MyClass.
    • Variable and method names should be in camelCase. For example: myVariable, myMethod.
    • Constants should be in UPPER_CASE. For example: MAX_SIZE.
  2. Indentation and Braces:
    • Use 4 spaces for indentation.
    • Place opening braces ({) on the same line as the statement or declaration.
    • Place closing braces (}) on a new line, aligned with the corresponding opening brace.
              public class MyClass {
                  public void myMethod() {
                      if (condition) {
                          // code here
                      } else {
                          // code here
    • Use comments to explain complex code or provide documentation.
    • Write meaningful comments that add value to the code.
    • Avoid excessive or redundant comments.
              // Calculate the sum of two numbers
              int sum = num1 + num2;
  4. Error Handling:
    • Handle exceptions appropriately using try-catch blocks.
    • Handle exceptions at the appropriate level of abstraction.
    • Avoid catching generic exceptions unless necessary.
              try {
                  // code that may throw an exception
              } catch (SpecificException e) {
                  // handle the specific exception

Enabling Auto Generation of Author, Class, and Method in Eclipse

Eclipse is a popular integrated development environment (IDE) for Java. It provides various features and customization options, including the ability to automatically generate author, class, and method information in your code. Follow the steps below to enable this feature:

  1. Open Eclipse: Launch the Eclipse IDE on your computer.
  2. Go to Preferences: Click on the "Window" menu in the menu bar and select "Preferences" from the drop-down menu.
  3. Navigate to Code Templates: In the Preferences window, expand the "Java" category in the left sidebar and select "Code Style" -> "Code Templates".
  4. Edit Code Template: In the Code Templates section, select the template you want to modify (e.g., "New Java files") and click the "Edit" button.
  5. Add Variables: In the Edit Template window, you can modify the code template. To include auto-generated information, you can use predefined variables such as ${user} for the author name, ${date} for the date, and ${time} for the time. For example, to include the author, you can add Author: ${user} in the template.
  6. Apply Changes: After making the necessary modifications, click the "OK" button to save the changes and close the window.

With the auto-generation of author, class, and method information enabled, whenever you create a new Java class or method, the predefined template will automatically populate the relevant information.

Example Code with Auto-generated Information

       * @Author: Tech Eye World
       * @Date: 2023-05-20
       * @Time: 09:00 AM
      public class MyClass {

           * This is a sample method.
          public void myMethod() {
              // Method body

In this example code, the author, date, and time information is automatically generated using code templates in Eclipse. The author information is enclosed within the @Author tag, while the date and time information is manually entered. Similarly, the class and method comments are auto-generated with the appropriate tags.


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