HashMap in Java | Hashing Mechanism

HashMap in Java

In the Java Collection Framework, HashMap is an implementation of the Map interface that provides a fast and efficient way to store and retrieve elements using key-value pairs. It is widely used due to its constant-time performance for basic operations and flexibility in handling large amounts of data.

Key-Value Mapping

A HashMap stores elements as key-value pairs, where each key is unique within the map. The key is used to identify and retrieve the corresponding value. Elements can be inserted, updated, or removed based on their keys. HashMap does not maintain any specific order for its elements.

Hashing Mechanism

HashMap uses a hashing mechanism to store and retrieve elements efficiently. When a key-value pair is inserted into a HashMap, the key's hash code is calculated using the key's hashCode() method. The hash code is then used to determine the index or bucket where the key-value pair will be stored.

In case of a collision (where two or more keys produce the same hash code), HashMap uses a linked list (called a bucket) at each index to store multiple elements. Each element is stored in a node within the linked list, allowing efficient retrieval even when multiple elements share the same index.


HashMap provides efficient performance for basic operations:

  • Insertion: Elements can be inserted into a HashMap in constant time (O(1)), assuming a good distribution of hash codes and a low collision rate.
  • Retrieval: Retrieving an element based on its key is also a constant-time operation (O(1)), as the HashMap directly computes the index or bucket where the element is stored.
  • Deletion: Removing an element from a HashMap based on its key is also a constant-time operation (O(1)), provided the key and hash code are known.

However, the performance of a HashMap can degrade if the hash codes are poorly distributed, leading to a higher collision rate. In such cases, the retrieval and insertion operations may require traversing longer linked lists, which can result in slower performance.


HashMap is widely used in various applications for efficient storage and retrieval of data based on keys. Some common use cases include:

  • Data Storage: HashMap is used to store and retrieve data based on unique keys. It is suitable for scenarios where quick access to elements based on keys is required.
  • Caching: HashMap is often used in caching mechanisms to store frequently accessed data, where keys represent the cache entries' identifiers, and values store the corresponding cached data.
  • Associative Arrays: HashMap can be used as an associative array, where keys represent indices or identifiers, and values store the associated data.


Here's an example that demonstrates the usage of HashMap:

import java.util.HashMap;

public class HashMapExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Create a new HashMap
        HashMap<String, Integer> scores = new HashMap<>();

        // Add key-value pairs to the HashMap
        scores.put("Alice", 95);
        scores.put("Bob", 80);
        scores.put("Charlie", 75);

        // Retrieve values using keys

 int aliceScore = scores.get("Alice");
        int bobScore = scores.get("Bob");

        // Output the values
        System.out.println("Alice's score: " + aliceScore);
        System.out.println("Bob's score: " + bobScore);


Alice's score: 95
Bob's score: 80

In this example, we create a HashMap named "scores" to store the scores of different students. We add three key-value pairs, where the keys are the names of the students and the values are their corresponding scores. We then retrieve the scores using the keys "Alice" and "Bob" and output them to the console.


HashMap is a powerful and widely used implementation of the Map interface in Java. It provides fast and efficient storage and retrieval of elements using key-value pairs. Understanding the features and performance characteristics of HashMap is essential for effective data manipulation and retrieval in Java.

Internal Working of HashMap in Java

HashMap in Java uses an array-based data structure combined with hashing techniques to store and retrieve key-value pairs efficiently. Understanding the internal working of HashMap helps in comprehending its performance characteristics and usage considerations.

Hashing and Buckets

When a key-value pair is inserted into a HashMap, the key's hash code is calculated using the key's hashCode() method. The hash code is then used to determine the index or bucket where the key-value pair will be stored. The number of buckets is determined by the initial capacity of the HashMap.

Each bucket in the HashMap can store multiple elements, as collisions may occur when different keys produce the same hash code. To handle collisions, HashMap uses a linked list structure at each bucket. Each element is stored in a node within the linked list, allowing efficient retrieval even when multiple elements share the same index.

Hash Function and Index Calculation

HashMap internally uses a hash function to convert the hash code into an index within the array. The hash function typically involves performing bitwise operations and applying a bit mask to ensure the index falls within the valid range of the array.

Once the index is calculated, HashMap checks if the bucket at that index is empty. If it is empty, the key-value pair is directly inserted into the bucket. If the bucket already contains elements, HashMap iterates through the linked list at that bucket to check if the key already exists. If a matching key is found, the corresponding value is updated. If no matching key is found, a new node with the key-value pair is added to the linked list.

Load Factor and Rehashing

HashMap also incorporates a load factor mechanism to control the number of elements stored in each bucket. The load factor represents the ratio of the number of elements to the number of buckets. When the load factor exceeds a threshold (typically 0.75), the HashMap automatically increases the number of buckets by creating a new array and rehashing all the existing elements.

Rehashing involves recalculating the hash codes and determining new indices for all the elements in the HashMap. This process ensures a better distribution of elements among the buckets, reducing collisions and improving performance.

Performance Considerations

The performance of a HashMap depends on the quality of the hash function, the distribution of hash codes, and the load factor. A good hash function with a low collision rate and a well-distributed set of hash codes leads to better performance.

Choosing an appropriate initial capacity and load factor is crucial for HashMap performance. Setting an initial capacity that accommodates the expected number of elements reduces the need for frequent rehashing, while an appropriate load factor balances memory usage and performance.


HashMap in Java provides a fast and efficient way to store and retrieve key-value pairs. Its internal working involves hashing techniques, linked lists for handling collisions, and rehashing to maintain performance as the number of elements grows. Understanding the internal mechanisms of HashMap helps in utilizing it effectively and making informed decisions for optimal performance.

I hope this explanation helps you understand the internal working of HashMap in Java! Let me know if you have any further questions.

Difference between HashMap and HashTable in Java

In Java, both HashMap and HashTable are implementations of the Map interface and provide similar functionality of storing and retrieving elements using key-value pairs. However, there are several differences between them in terms of performance, thread-safety, and usage. Let's explore these differences:


One of the key differences between HashMap and HashTable is their thread-safety behavior:

  • HashMap: HashMap is not synchronized and is not inherently thread-safe. Multiple threads can access and modify a HashMap simultaneously, leading to potential concurrency issues if proper synchronization mechanisms are not implemented.
  • HashTable: HashTable is synchronized and is designed to be thread-safe. It ensures that only one thread can access or modify it at a time, preventing concurrent access issues. However, this synchronization overhead can impact performance when used in single-threaded scenarios.

Due to the thread-safety of HashTable, it is generally preferred in multi-threaded environments where concurrent access and modification of the map are required. HashMap, on the other hand, is suitable for single-threaded or non-thread-safe scenarios, providing better performance in such cases.

Null Keys and Values

Another difference lies in the handling of null keys and values:

  • HashMap: HashMap allows one null key and multiple null values. It does not impose any restrictions on the presence of null values or keys.
  • HashTable: HashTable does not allow null keys or values. If a null key or value is attempted to be inserted, it throws a NullPointerException.

This difference is important to consider when dealing with scenarios that involve null values or keys. If null support is required, HashMap provides more flexibility in this regard.


HashMap generally provides better performance compared to HashTable:

  • HashMap: HashMap is not synchronized, which leads to better performance in single-threaded environments. It does not incur the overhead of acquiring and releasing locks for every operation.
  • HashTable: HashTable's synchronization adds overhead to every operation, impacting performance even in single-threaded scenarios. The synchronization ensures thread-safety but reduces performance compared to HashMap.

In scenarios where thread-safety is not required, HashMap is preferred for its superior performance. HashTable's synchronized nature is beneficial in multi-threaded environments but can be an unnecessary performance burden in single-threaded scenarios.

Usage Considerations

Based on the differences mentioned above, here are some usage considerations:

  • HashMap is suitable for single-threaded scenarios, providing better performance and flexibility.
  • HashTable is preferred in multi-threaded environments where thread-safety is crucial.
  • If null keys or values are required, HashMap should be used.
  • For improved performance and flexibility, ConcurrentHashMap (introduced in Java 5) is recommended over HashTable for multi-threaded scenarios.


HashMap and HashTable have similarities in terms of functionality but differ in terms of thread-safety, handling of null keys and values, and performance characteristics. Choosing the appropriate implementation depends on the specific requirements of your application, considering factors such as thread-safety, performance, and null support.

I hope this explanation helps you understand the difference between HashMap and HashTable in Java! Let me know if you have any further questions.

Synchronized Version of HashMap in Java

In Java, you can obtain a synchronized version of HashMap by using the Collections.synchronizedMap() method. This method returns a synchronized (thread-safe) wrapper around the specified map, ensuring that all the operations on the map are synchronized.


Here's an example that demonstrates how to obtain a synchronized version of HashMap:

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Collections;

public class SynchronizedHashMapExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Create a new HashMap
        Map<String, Integer> hashMap = new HashMap<>();

        // Obtain the synchronized version of HashMap
        Map<String, Integer> synchronizedHashMap = Collections.synchronizedMap(hashMap);

        // Perform operations on the synchronized map
        synchronizedHashMap.put("Alice", 95);
        synchronizedHashMap.put("Bob", 80);

        // Output the values
        System.out.println("Alice's score: " + synchronizedHashMap.get("Alice"));
        System.out.println("Bob's score: " + synchronizedHashMap.get("Bob"));


Alice's score: 95
Bob's score: 80

In this example, we create a new HashMap named "hashMap". We then obtain the synchronized version of the HashMap using the Collections.synchronizedMap() method, assigning it to the variable "synchronizedHashMap". All subsequent operations on the synchronizedHashMap are automatically synchronized, ensuring thread-safe access to the map.


The synchronized version of HashMap obtained using Collections.synchronizedMap() provides thread-safe access to the map's operations. The synchronization is achieved by acquiring a lock on the synchronized map object before performing any operation, ensuring that only one thread can access or modify the map at a time.


It's important to note that while the synchronized version of HashMap ensures thread-safety, it still has limitations:

  • Atomicity: Individual operations on the synchronized map are atomic, but compound operations that require multiple operations may not be atomic. For example, iterating over the map while other threads modify it may result in inconsistent or unexpected behavior.
  • Performance: The synchronized version incurs the overhead of acquiring and releasing locks for every operation, which can impact performance, especially in highly concurrent environments. If high performance is a requirement and thread-safety is not a concern, other concurrent map implementations like ConcurrentHashMap should be considered.


The synchronized version of HashMap obtained using `Collections.synchronizedMap()` provides thread-safe access to the map's operations by acquiring a lock on the map object. It's important to be aware of the atomicity limitations and the potential impact on performance when using the synchronized version of HashMap in Java.

I hope this explanation helps you understand how to obtain the synchronized version of HashMap in Java! Let me know if you have any further questions.

List      Set      Queue      Map     Collection     HashTable

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