Hash Table in Collection Framework | Hashing

Hash Table in Collection Framework

In the Java Collection Framework, a Hash Table is a data structure that stores elements using key-value pairs. It provides efficient lookup, insertion, and deletion of elements based on their keys. Hash Table is implemented by several classes in Java, such as HashMap, HashTable, and LinkedHashMap.

Key-Value Mapping

A Hash Table stores elements as key-value pairs. The key is used to uniquely identify each element, and the value represents the data associated with the key. Elements are inserted into the Hash Table based on their keys, and you can later retrieve or remove elements using their keys.


The Hash Table uses a hashing mechanism to map keys to specific locations in the underlying data structure. A hash function is applied to the key, which generates a hash code. The hash code is then used to determine the index or bucket where the element will be stored.

The goal of hashing is to distribute the elements evenly across the available buckets, minimizing collisions where multiple keys map to the same index. A good hash function ensures a uniform distribution of elements, reducing the likelihood of collisions and improving the performance of the Hash Table.


Collisions occur when two or more keys produce the same hash code or map to the same index in the Hash Table. Hash Tables employ various collision resolution strategies to handle such situations:

  • Separate Chaining: Each bucket in the Hash Table contains a linked list or another data structure to store multiple elements with the same hash code. Colliding elements are appended to the linked list or placed in a separate data structure within the bucket.
  • Open Addressing: Colliding elements are placed in alternative locations within the Hash Table by probing or searching for the next available slot. Linear probing, quadratic probing, and double hashing are commonly used open addressing techniques.


Hash Tables provide efficient performance for basic operations:

  • Insertion: Elements can be inserted into the Hash Table in constant time, assuming a good distribution of hash codes and a low collision rate.
  • Retrieval: Retrieving an element based on its key is also a constant-time operation, as the Hash Table directly computes the index or bucket where the element is stored.
  • Deletion: Removing an element from the Hash Table based on its key is also a constant-time operation, provided the key and hash code are known.

However, the performance of Hash Tables can degrade in the presence of a high collision rate, as it may result in longer linked lists or increased probing operations in open addressing. Therefore, it is important to choose an appropriate hashing algorithm and handle collisions effectively to maintain optimal performance.


Hash Tables are widely used in various applications for efficient data storage and retrieval. They are suitable for scenarios where quick access to elements based on their keys is required and the order of elements is not important. Hash Tables are commonly used for implementing associative arrays, dictionaries, caches, and databases.


A Hash Table in the Java Collection Framework is a data structure that allows efficient storage, retrieval, and removal of elements based on their keys. It employs hashing to map keys to specific locations in the underlying data structure and handles collisions using separate chaining or open addressing techniques. Hash Tables provide fast performance for basic operations and are widely used in various applications.

I hope this explanation clarifies the concept of Hash Table in the Collection Framework of Java! Let me know if you have any further questions.

Examples of Hash Table in Java

Example 1: HashMap

The HashMap class is an implementation of the Hash Table in Java. It allows you to store elements as key-value pairs and provides efficient lookup, insertion, and deletion operations based on the keys.

Here's an example that demonstrates the usage of HashMap:

import java.util.HashMap;

public class HashMapExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Create a new HashMap 
        HashMap<String, Integer> scores = new HashMap<>();

        // Add key-value pairs to the HashMap
        scores.put("Alice", 95);
        scores.put("Bob", 80);
        scores.put("Charlie", 75);

        // Retrieve values using keys
        int aliceScore = scores.get("Alice");
        int bobScore = scores.get("Bob");

        // Output the values
        System.out.println("Alice's score: " + aliceScore);
        System.out.println("Bob's score: " + bobScore);


Alice's score: 95
Bob's score: 80

In this example, we create a HashMap named "scores" to store the scores of different students. We add three key-value pairs, where the keys are the names of the students and the values are their corresponding scores. We then retrieve the scores using the keys "Alice" and "Bob" and output them to the console.

Example 2: HashTable

The HashTable class is another implementation of the Hash Table in Java. It is similar to HashMap but provides thread-safe operations, making it suitable for multi-threaded environments.

Here's an example that demonstrates the usage of HashTable:

import java.util.Hashtable;

public class HashTableExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Create a new HashTable
        Hashtable<String, String> countries = new Hashtable<>();

        // Add key-value pairs to the HashTable
        countries.put("US", "United States");
        countries.put("GB", "United Kingdom");
        countries.put("IN", "India");

        // Retrieve values using keys
        String usCountry = countries.get("US");
        String gbCountry = countries.get("GB");

        // Output the values
        System.out.println("US: " + usCountry);
        System.out.println("GB: " + gbCountry);


US: United States
GB: United Kingdom

In this example, we create a HashTable named "countries" to store the names of countries mapped to their respective country codes. We add three key-value pairs, where the keys are the country codes (e.g., "US", "GB") and the values are the country names. We then retrieve the country names using the country codes "US" and "GB" and output them to the console.


These examples demonstrate the usage of Hash Tables in Java. HashMap and HashTable provide efficient storage and retrieval of key-value pairs. They are widely used for various applications that require fast access to elements based on their keys.

HashTable, Dictionary, and Properties in Map Interface

In the Map interface in Java, several classes provide key-value mapping functionality. Three important classes in this context are HashTable, Dictionary, and Properties.


The HashTable class is a concrete implementation of the Map interface that uses a hash table data structure to store key-value pairs. It provides efficient lookup and retrieval operations by utilizing the hash code of keys. However, HashTable is considered a legacy class, and it is recommended to use the more modern HashMap or ConcurrentHashMap classes instead.


The Dictionary class is an abstract class in the Map interface that serves as the superclass for specific types of data structures that map keys to values. It provides a basic implementation for key-value mapping functionality. However, Dictionary is also considered a legacy class, and it is recommended to use the newer implementations such as HashMap or TreeMap instead.


The Properties class is a specialized subclass of the Hashtable class that represents a persistent set of properties. It is commonly used for handling configuration files and application settings. Properties are typically stored as key-value pairs, where both the key and value are strings. They can be easily loaded from and saved to files, making them useful for storing and retrieving application settings.

Key Features and Methods

The HashTable, Dictionary, and Properties classes share some key features and methods:

  • Key-Value Mapping: All three classes support mapping keys to values, where each key corresponds to a unique value.
  • No Null Keys: None of these classes allow null keys. If a null key is passed, a NullPointerException is thrown.
  • HashTable-specific Methods: The HashTable class provides additional methods specific to its implementation, such as rehash() to rehash the internal data structure and contains(Object value) to check if a specific value exists in the hash table.
  • Properties-specific Methods: The Properties class provides methods for loading and saving properties from/to files, such as store(OutputStream out, String comments) and load(InputStream in).


The HashTable, Dictionary, and Properties classes in the Map interface provide different implementations of key-value mapping functionality in Java. HashTable and Dictionary are considered legacy classes, while Properties is specifically designed for handling persistent properties and configuration settings. It is recommended to use newer implementations like HashMap or TreeMap for general-purpose key-value mapping in Java applications.

I hope these examples help you understand the implementation and usage of Hash Tables in Java! Let me know if you have any further questions.

List      Set      Queue      Map     Collection     Dictionary     Properties    

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