Set Interface | Key Methods and Classes

Set in Java Collection Framework

In Java, the Set interface is a part of the Collection framework. It represents an unordered collection of unique elements. Sets do not allow duplicate elements and provide methods to perform common set operations, such as adding, removing, and checking for the presence of elements.

Interface Hierarchy

The Set interface is structured as follows:

                        |    Collection  |
                        |      Set       |


// Declaration and initialization
Set<String> set = new HashSet<>();

// Adding elements

// Checking element presence
boolean containsBanana = set.contains("Banana");

// Removing an element

// Iterating over the set
for (String element : set) {

In the example above, we create a set using the HashSet implementation. We add three elements to the set: "Apple", "Banana", and "Orange". Since sets do not allow duplicates, if we try to add an element that is already present in the set, it will be ignored. We can check the presence of an element using the contains() method and remove an element using the remove() method. Finally, we iterate over the set using a for-each loop to print each element.

Common Methods in Set:

The Set interface defines several useful methods to work with sets:

  • add(E element): Adds the specified element to the set if it is not already present.
  • remove(Object element): Removes the specified element from the set if it is present.
  • contains(Object element): Returns true if the set contains the specified element, otherwise returns false.
  • size(): Returns the number of elements in the set.
  • isEmpty(): Returns true if the set is empty, otherwise returns false.
  • clear(): Removes all elements from the set.

Set Implementations:

The Java Collection Framework provides several implementations of the Set interface, including:

  • HashSet: Implements a set using a hash table for efficient element retrieval.
  • TreeSet: Implements a set using a self-balancing binary search tree, providing ordered elements.
  • LinkedHashSet: Implements a set using a hash table with a linked list running through it, maintaining the insertion order.

The Set interface in Java Collection Framework represents an unordered collection of unique elements. It does not allow duplicates and provides methods to add, remove, and check for the presence of elements. Set implementations offer different characteristics, such as efficient retrieval in HashSet, ordered elements in TreeSet, and insertion order preservation in LinkedHashSet. Consider the specific requirements of your program when choosing a Set implementation.

HashSet in Java Collection Framework

In Java, HashSet is an implementation of the Set interface in the Collection framework. It represents an unordered collection of unique elements. HashSet uses a hash table internally to store and retrieve elements efficiently.


// Declaration and initialization
Set<String> set = new HashSet<>();

// Adding elements

// Checking element presence
boolean containsBanana = set.contains("Banana");

// Removing an element

// Iterating over the set
for (String element : set) {

In the example above, we create a HashSet to store elements of type String. We add three elements to the set: "Apple", "Banana", and "Orange". Since HashSet does not allow duplicates, if we try to add an element that is already present in the set, it will be ignored. We can check the presence of an element using the contains() method and remove an element using the remove() method. Finally, we iterate over the set using a for-each loop to print each element.

HashSet Characteristics:

HashSet has the following characteristics:

  • Unordered Collection: HashSet does not maintain the insertion order of elements. The order in which elements are stored in the HashSet may vary.
  • Unique Elements: HashSet does not allow duplicate elements. If an element is added to the HashSet that is already present, it will be ignored.
  • Efficient Element Retrieval: HashSet uses a hash table internally, which provides efficient retrieval of elements. The time complexity for operations like add, remove, and contains is constant on average (O(1)).
  • Null Elements: HashSet allows storing a single null element.
  • Not Synchronized: HashSet is not synchronized by default. If thread-safety is required, synchronization must be applied externally.

Common Methods in HashSet:

The HashSet class provides several useful methods to work with hash sets:

  • add(E element): Adds the specified element to the set if it is not already present.
  • remove(Object element): Removes the specified element from the set if it is present.
  • contains(Object element): Returns true if the set contains the specified element, otherwise returns false.
  • size(): Returns the number of elements in the set.
  • isEmpty(): Returns true if the set is empty, otherwise returns false.
  • clear(): Removes all elements from the set.


HashSet in the Java Collection Framework provides an efficient way to store and retrieve a collection of unique elements. It offers constant time complexity for adding, removing, and checking element presence. HashSet does not maintain the insertion order of elements and allows a single null element. It is not synchronized by default, and if thread-safety is required, external synchronization must be applied.

Internal Working of HashSet in Java

In Java, HashSet is implemented using a hash table data structure. It internally uses a HashMap to store and retrieve elements efficiently. Understanding the internal working of HashSet involves understanding the key concepts of hash codes, buckets, and hash collisions.

Hash Codes

Each object in Java has a method called hashCode(). This method returns an integer value, known as the hash code, which is a unique numerical representation of the object's state. HashSet uses hash codes to determine the bucket where each element will be stored.


HashSet internally consists of an array of buckets, where each bucket can hold multiple elements. The number of buckets is determined by the initial capacity specified during HashSet creation or dynamically adjusted as the set grows.

When an element is added to the HashSet, its hash code is calculated, and the modulus operation is performed on the hash code using the current number of buckets. The result of the modulus operation determines the index of the bucket where the element will be stored.

Hash Collisions

A hash collision occurs when two different elements have the same hash code but are not equal. Since HashSet guarantees unique elements, it handles hash collisions by using a linked list structure within each bucket. If a collision occurs, the elements are stored in a linked list at the corresponding bucket.

When retrieving an element from the HashSet, the hash code of the element is calculated, and the bucket is determined based on the hash code. If multiple elements are present in the bucket due to hash collisions, HashSet iterates over the linked list within the bucket to find the matching element based on the equals() method. This operation has a time complexity of O(n) in the worst case, where n is the number of elements in the linked list.

Performance Considerations

The performance of HashSet depends on the distribution of hash codes and the number of buckets. Ideally, the hash codes of elements should be evenly distributed across the buckets to minimize hash collisions and ensure efficient element retrieval.

It is recommended to provide a good implementation of the hashCode() method and the equals() method when using custom objects as elements in HashSet. This helps in achieving a better distribution of elements across buckets and reducing the chances of hash collisions.


HashSet in Java internally uses a Hash Table implemented as a HashMap. It relies on hash codes to determine the buckets where elements are stored. Hash collisions are resolved using linked lists within buckets. By understanding the internal working of HashSet, you can appreciate the importance of hash codes, buckets, and collision handling in achieving efficient element storage and retrieval.

Example 1: HashSet of Strings

// Import the necessary packages
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;

// Create a HashSet of Strings
Set<String> set = new HashSet<>();

// Add elements to the set
set.add("Banana"); // Duplicate element, ignored

// Print the elements of the set
for (String element : set) {





Example 2: HashSet of Integers

// Import the necessary packages
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;

// Create a HashSet of Integers
Set<Integer> set = new HashSet<>();

// Add elements to the set
set.add(20); // Duplicate element, ignored

// Print the elements of the set
for (Integer element : set) {





In Example 1, we create a HashSet of Strings and add several elements to it. Since HashSet does not allow duplicates, the duplicate element "Banana" is ignored. We then iterate over the set and print each element, resulting in the output: Apple, Banana, Orange.

In Example 2, we create a HashSet of Integers and add several elements to it. Similarly, the duplicate element 20 is ignored. We iterate over the set and print each element, resulting in the output: 10, 20, 30.

These examples demonstrate how HashSet ensures unique elements and does not maintain the insertion order. The order in which the elements are printed may vary.

I hope these examples provide a clear understanding of HashSet usage and its output! Let me know if you have any further questions.

TreeSet in Java Collection Framework

In Java, TreeSet is an implementation of the SortedSet interface in the Collection framework. It represents a collection of unique elements that are ordered based on their natural ordering or a custom Comparator. TreeSet internally uses a self-balancing binary search tree called a Red-Black tree to store and retrieve elements efficiently.


// Import the necessary packages
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.Set;

// Create a TreeSet of Strings
Set<String> set = new TreeSet<>();

// Add elements to the set

// Print the elements of the set
for (String element : set) {

In the example above, we create a TreeSet to store elements of type String. We add three elements to the set: "Apple", "Banana", and "Orange". TreeSet automatically arranges the elements in ascending order based on their natural ordering (lexicographic order in the case of strings). We iterate over the set and print each element, resulting in the output: Apple, Banana, Orange.

TreeSet Characteristics:

TreeSet has the following characteristics:

  • Sorted Collection: TreeSet maintains the elements in a sorted order. The order can be either the natural ordering of elements or a custom ordering defined by a Comparator.
  • Unique Elements: TreeSet does not allow duplicate elements. If an element is added to the TreeSet that is already present, it will be ignored.
  • Efficient Element Retrieval: TreeSet uses a Red-Black tree internally, which provides efficient retrieval of elements. The time complexity for operations like add, remove, and contains is O(log n), where n is the number of elements in the TreeSet.
  • Null Elements: TreeSet does not allow null elements. If you try to add a null element, it will throw a NullPointerException.
  • Not Synchronized: TreeSet is not synchronized by default. If thread-safety is required, synchronization must be applied externally.

Common Methods in TreeSet:

The TreeSet class provides several useful methods to work with sorted sets:

  • add(E element): Adds the specified element to the set if it is not already present.
  • remove(Object element): Removes the specified element from the set if it is present.
  • contains(Object element): Returns true if the set contains the specified element, otherwise returns false.
  • size(): Returns the number of elements in the set.
  • isEmpty(): Returns true if the set is empty, otherwise returns false.
  • clear(): Removes all elements from the set.

Custom Ordering with Comparator:

In addition to the natural ordering, TreeSet allows custom ordering of elements using a Comparator. When creating a TreeSet, you can provide a Comparator implementation to define the ordering of elements. The Comparator's compare() method is used to compare elements and determine their positions in the sorted set.


TreeSet in the Java Collection Framework provides a sorted collection of unique elements. It offers efficient element retrieval and maintains the elements in a sorted order. TreeSet does not allow duplicate elements and can use either the natural ordering or a custom ordering defined by a Comparator. It is not synchronized by default, and if thread-safety is required, external synchronization must be applied.

I hope this explanation helps you understand TreeSet and its usage in Java! Let me know if you have any further questions.

Internal Working of TreeSet in Java

In Java, TreeSet is implemented using a self-balancing binary search tree called a Red-Black tree. TreeSet maintains the elements in a sorted order, allowing efficient element retrieval and search operations. Understanding the internal working of TreeSet involves understanding the concepts of the Red-Black tree and its balancing properties.

Red-Black Tree

A Red-Black tree is a binary search tree with the following properties:

  • Each node is either red or black.
  • The root node is always black.
  • Every leaf (null node) is considered black.
  • If a node is red, both its children are black.
  • Every path from a node to its descendant leaves contains an equal number of black nodes.

Internal Storage and Sorting

When elements are added to a TreeSet, they are stored and organized internally using a Red-Black tree structure. Each node of the tree represents an element in the set.

The elements in TreeSet are stored in a sorted order based on their natural ordering or a custom Comparator. The ordering determines the placement of elements in the tree. For example, if the elements are strings, the natural ordering would be lexicographic order.

The Red-Black tree structure allows for efficient search, insertion, and deletion operations. The tree is self-balancing, meaning that it automatically adjusts its structure during insertion and deletion to maintain the balancing properties of the Red-Black tree.

Performance Considerations

The performance of TreeSet depends on the efficiency of the Red-Black tree operations. On average, the time complexity of operations like add, remove, and contains in TreeSet is O(log n), where n is the number of elements in the TreeSet.

The performance can be affected by the distribution of elements and the efficiency of the Comparator implementation (if a custom ordering is used). It is important to provide a well-implemented Comparator to ensure a balanced tree and efficient element retrieval.


TreeSet in Java internally uses a Red-Black tree data structure to store and organize elements in a sorted order. The Red-Black tree ensures efficient search operations and maintains the balancing properties of the tree. Understanding the internal working of TreeSet helps in appreciating its efficiency and performance characteristics.

I hope this explanation helps you understand the internal working of TreeSet in Java! Let me know if you have any further questions.

Difference between HashSet and TreeSet in Java

HashSet and TreeSet are both implementations of the Set interface in the Java Collection Framework. While they share similarities, they differ in the following aspects:


HashSet does not maintain any particular order of its elements. The elements are stored based on their hash codes, which leads to a seemingly random order when iterating over the set. On the other hand, TreeSet maintains the elements in a sorted order. Elements are sorted either according to their natural ordering or a custom Comparator specified during TreeSet creation.

Underlying Data Structure

HashSet internally uses a hash table to store and retrieve elements. It provides constant-time performance for basic operations like add, remove, and contains, assuming a good distribution of hash codes. On the other hand, TreeSet is implemented using a Red-Black tree data structure, which ensures that elements are stored in a sorted order. TreeSet provides efficient performance for search and retrieval operations, with a time complexity of O(log n).


HashSet does not allow duplicate elements. If an element is added to a HashSet that is already present, it will be ignored. On the other hand, TreeSet also does not allow duplicates. However, it relies on the ordering of elements to determine duplicates. If an element is considered equal to an existing element based on the Comparator or natural ordering, it will not be added to the TreeSet.

Null Elements

HashSet allows a single null element to be added to the set, as it treats null as a special case. On the other hand, TreeSet does not allow null elements. If you try to add a null element to a TreeSet, it will throw a NullPointerException.

Performance Considerations

HashSet provides better performance for most operations like add, remove, and contains, with a time complexity of O(1) on average. However, the performance can degrade if there are many hash collisions. TreeSet, on the other hand, provides efficient performance for search and retrieval operations, with a time complexity of O(log n) due to its balanced tree structure.


HashSet is typically used when the order of elements does not matter, and efficient element retrieval is required. It is suitable for scenarios where duplicate elements are not allowed. TreeSet is used when elements need to be maintained in a sorted order or when custom ordering is required. It is suitable for scenarios where duplicate elements are not allowed, and efficient search operations are important.


HashSet and TreeSet are both useful implementations of the Set interface in Java. HashSet provides constant-time performance, allows null elements, and does not maintain an ordering. TreeSet maintains elements in a sorted order, does not allow null elements, and provides efficient search operations. The choice between HashSet and TreeSet depends on the specific requirements of your application.

I hope this explanation clarifies the differences between HashSet and TreeSet in Java! Let me know if you have any further questions.

LinkedHashSet in Java

In Java, LinkedHashSet is an implementation of the Set interface that combines the features of HashSet and LinkedList. It provides a hash table with a predictable iteration order, which is the order in which elements were inserted. LinkedHashSet internally uses a hash table along with a doubly-linked list to maintain the insertion order of elements.


// Import the necessary packages
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.Set;

// Create a LinkedHashSet of Strings
Set<String> set = new LinkedHashSet<>();

// Add elements to the set

// Print the elements of the set
for (String element : set) {

In the example above, we create a LinkedHashSet to store elements of type String. We add three elements to the set: "Apple", "Banana", and "Orange". LinkedHashSet maintains the insertion order, so when we iterate over the set and print each element, the output will be in the same order: Apple, Banana, Orange.

LinkedHashSet Characteristics:

LinkedHashSet has the following characteristics:

  • Insertion Order: LinkedHashSet maintains the order in which elements were inserted. When iterating over the set, the elements will be returned in the same order.
  • Unique Elements: LinkedHashSet does not allow duplicate elements. If an element is added to the set that is already present, it will be ignored.
  • Efficient Element Retrieval: LinkedHashSet provides constant-time performance for basic operations like add, remove, and contains. The time complexity remains O(1) on average.
  • Null Elements: LinkedHashSet allows a single null element to be added to the set, as it treats null as a special case.
  • Not Synchronized: LinkedHashSet is not synchronized by default. If thread-safety is required, synchronization must be applied externally.

Common Methods in LinkedHashSet:

The LinkedHashSet class provides the same set of methods as HashSet, as it implements the Set interface. Some of the commonly used methods include:

  • add(E element): Adds the specified element to the set if it is not already present.
  • remove(Object element): Removes the specified element from the set if it is present.
  • contains(Object element): Returns true if the set contains the specified element, otherwise returns false.
  • size(): Returns the number of elements in the set.
  • isEmpty(): Returns true if the set is empty, otherwise returns false.
  • clear(): Removes all elements from the set.


LinkedHashSet is typically used when the order of elements is important and needs to be preserved. It combines the benefits of HashSet and LinkedList by providing efficient element retrieval and maintaining the insertion order. It is suitable for scenarios where duplicate elements are not allowed, and the order of element insertion matters.


LinkedHashSet in Java provides a predictable iteration order based on the order of element insertion. It combines the features of HashSet and LinkedList to provide efficient element retrieval and maintain the insertion order. LinkedHashSet is useful when the order of elements is important and duplicate elements are not allowed.

I hope this explanation helps you understand LinkedHashSet in Java! Let me know if you have any further questions.

Difference between HashSet and LinkedHashSet in Java

HashSet and LinkedHashSet are both implementations of the Set interface in the Java Collection Framework. While they share similarities, they differ in the following aspects:


HashSet does not maintain any particular order of its elements. The elements are stored based on their hash codes, which leads to a seemingly random order when iterating over the set. On the other hand, LinkedHashSet maintains the elements in the order in which they were inserted. When iterating over the set, the elements will be returned in the same order as their insertion.

Underlying Data Structure

HashSet internally uses a hash table to store and retrieve elements. It provides constant-time performance for basic operations like add, remove, and contains, assuming a good distribution of hash codes. On the other hand, LinkedHashSet internally uses a hash table along with a doubly-linked list to maintain the insertion order of elements. It provides similar performance characteristics as HashSet, but with an added overhead of maintaining the linked list.


HashSet does not allow duplicate elements. If an element is added to a HashSet that is already present, it will be ignored. On the other hand, LinkedHashSet also does not allow duplicates. If an element is added to a LinkedHashSet that is already present, it will be ignored.

Null Elements

HashSet allows a single null element to be added to the set, as it treats null as a special case. On the other hand, LinkedHashSet also allows a single null element to be added to the set.

Performance Considerations

HashSet provides better performance for most operations like add, remove, and contains, with a time complexity of O(1) on average. However, the performance can degrade if there are many hash collisions. LinkedHashSet provides similar performance characteristics as HashSet, but with an added overhead of maintaining the linked list for preserving insertion order. The performance is still efficient, with time complexity of O(1) on average for basic operations.


HashSet is typically used when the order of elements does not matter, and efficient element retrieval is required. It is suitable for scenarios where duplicate elements are not allowed. LinkedHashSet, on the other hand, is used when the order of elements is important and needs to be preserved. It is suitable for scenarios where duplicate elements are not allowed, and the order of element insertion matters.


HashSet and LinkedHashSet are both useful implementations of the Set interface in Java. HashSet provides efficient performance, does not maintain any particular order, and allows a single null element. LinkedHashSet maintains the order of element insertion, allows a single null element, and provides efficient performance with an added overhead for preserving insertion order. The choice between HashSet and LinkedHashSet depends on the specific requirements of your application.

I hope this explanation clarifies the differences between HashSet and LinkedHashSet in Java! Let me know if you have any further questions.

Internal Working of LinkedHashSet in Java

In Java, LinkedHashSet is implemented as a combination of a hash table and a linked list. It provides the features of a HashSet, such as fast element retrieval using hashing, along with the ability to maintain the order of element insertion.

Underlying Data Structure

Internally, LinkedHashSet uses a Hash Table to store and retrieve elements, similar to HashSet. The hash table provides constant-time performance for basic operations like add, remove, and contains. However, LinkedHashSet also maintains a doubly-linked list to preserve the order in which elements were inserted.

The hash table is responsible for storing the elements and performing fast lookups based on their hash codes. It maps the hash codes of the elements to specific buckets in the table, allowing efficient retrieval and comparison of elements.

The linked list is used to maintain the insertion order of elements. Each element in the LinkedHashSet is stored as a node in the linked list, and the nodes are connected using next and previous references. This linked list ensures that the elements are returned in the same order as they were inserted.

Adding Elements

When an element is added to a LinkedHashSet, the hash code of the element is computed. The hash code determines the bucket in the hash table where the element will be stored. If the bucket is empty, the element is added to the bucket, and a new node is created in the linked list to maintain the insertion order.

If the bucket already contains elements, a linear search is performed in the linked list to check if the element is already present. If the element is found, it is not added again. If the element is not found, it is added to the end of the linked list, and a new node is created.

Removing Elements

When an element is removed from a LinkedHashSet, the hash code of the element is computed to find the corresponding bucket in the hash table. If the bucket is empty, the element is not present in the set, and no further action is taken.

If the bucket contains elements, a linear search is performed in the linked list to find the element. If the element is found, it is removed from the linked list, and the references of the neighboring nodes are adjusted to maintain the linked list structure. Additionally, the element is removed from the hash table by updating the bucket appropriately.

Iteration Order

LinkedHashSet maintains the order of element insertion, which means that when iterating over the set, the elements will be returned in the same order as they were inserted. This is achieved by the doubly-linked list structure, which keeps track of the insertion order of elements.

Performance Considerations

LinkedHashSet provides efficient performance for most operations, including add, remove, and contains. The time complexity for these operations is O(1) on average, assuming a good distribution of hash codes and a limited number of hash collisions. However, the performance can degrade if there are many hash collisions, as it may lead to longer linear searches in the linked list.


LinkedHashSet is typically used when the order of elements is important and needs to be preserved. It combines the benefits of a HashSet (fast element retrieval using hashing) and a LinkedList (maintaining insertion order) to provide a predictable iteration order.


LinkedHashSet in Java internally combines a Hash Table and a linked list to provide efficient element retrieval and maintain the order of element insertion. It uses the hash table for fast lookups based on hash codes and the linked list to preserve the insertion order of elements. LinkedHashSet is a useful data structure when you need to store unique elements, maintain their insertion order, and perform efficient operations on them.

I hope this explanation helps you understand the internal working of LinkedHashSet in Java! Let me know if you have any further questions.

List      Set      Queue      Map     Collection     HashTable

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