CompletableFuture in Java 8

CompletableFuture in Java 8

The CompletableFuture class in Java 8 is a powerful feature that enables asynchronous and concurrent programming. It provides a way to handle asynchronous tasks, combine multiple tasks together, and obtain results asynchronously.

Key Features

  • Asynchronous Execution: CompletableFuture allows you to perform tasks asynchronously, decoupling the execution from the main thread and potentially improving performance.
  • Composition and Chaining: It provides methods to combine multiple CompletableFuture instances together, enabling the creation of complex workflows for handling asynchronous tasks.
  • Error Handling: CompletableFuture supports error handling and exceptional cases through methods like exceptionally() and handle(), allowing you to gracefully handle failures.
  • Combination and Transformation: CompletableFuture provides methods like thenCombine(), thenCompose(), and thenApply() to combine, transform, and process the results of multiple CompletableFuture instances.
  • Completion Callbacks: It offers callback methods like thenAccept(), thenRun(), and whenComplete() to specify actions that should be executed upon completion of a CompletableFuture.


The syntax for creating and using a CompletableFuture is as follows:

CompletableFuture<T> future = CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> {
    // Perform asynchronous task here
    return result;

Here, T represents the type of the result that the CompletableFuture will eventually produce. The supplyAsync() method is used to asynchronously execute the task specified by the lambda expression, and it returns a CompletableFuture that represents the result of the task.


Here's an example that demonstrates the usage of CompletableFuture in Java 8:

import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;

public class CompletableFutureExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Create a CompletableFuture and perform an asynchronous task
        CompletableFuture>String< future = CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> "Hello, ")
                .thenApplyAsync(result -> result + "World")
                .thenApplyAsync(result -> result + "!");
        // Register a callback to be executed when the future completes
        // Wait for the future to complete


Hello, World!

In this example, we create a CompletableFuture using the supplyAsync() method, which performs an asynchronous task of producing the string "Hello, ". We then chain two additional thenApplyAsync() methods to transform the result of the previous step, appending "World" and "!" to the string.

We register a callback using the thenAccept() method to print the final result when the CompletableFuture completes. Finally, we use the join() method to wait for the future to complete and obtain the result.


When working with CompletableFuture, there are a few considerations to keep in mind:

  • Thread Management: CompletableFuture internally manages its own thread pool, which is used for executing asynchronous tasks. It's important to consider the size and configuration of the thread pool to ensure optimal performance .
  • Exception Handling: CompletableFuture provides methods like exceptionally() and handle() to handle exceptions and exceptional cases. Proper exception handling is crucial to ensure robust and reliable code.
  • Composition and Chaining: The ability to chain multiple CompletableFuture instances together enables the creation of complex workflows and dependency graphs. However, be mindful of the order of execution and potential deadlocks.


CompletableFuture in Java 8 offers a flexible and powerful way to handle asynchronous tasks, combine multiple tasks together, and process results asynchronously. It simplifies asynchronous programming by providing a rich set of methods for composition, transformation, and error handling.

By leveraging CompletableFuture, you can write more efficient and responsive code that takes full advantage of multi-threading and concurrent execution. It's a valuable tool for building scalable and responsive applications in Java.

When to Use CompletableFuture in Java 8

The CompletableFuture class in Java 8 provides a powerful mechanism for handling asynchronous tasks and composing them into complex workflows. It offers a wide range of features that make it suitable for various scenarios in concurrent programming.

Use Cases for CompletableFuture

Here are some common use cases where CompletableFuture can be beneficial:

  • Asynchronous Operations: CompletableFuture is ideal when you need to perform operations asynchronously, such as making network requests, calling external services, or executing time-consuming computations. By using CompletableFuture, you can offload these operations to separate threads and avoid blocking the main thread.
  • Parallel Processing: If you have multiple independent tasks that can be executed concurrently, CompletableFuture can help you achieve parallelism by combining and processing their results in an efficient manner. It allows you to express complex workflows and dependencies between tasks, improving overall performance.
  • Error Handling: CompletableFuture provides robust error handling capabilities. You can handle exceptions and exceptional cases gracefully using methods like `exceptionally()` and `handle()`. This makes it easier to handle failures, recover from errors, and maintain the flow of execution.
  • Combining Results: If you need to combine the results of multiple asynchronous tasks, such as making multiple API calls and aggregating their responses, CompletableFuture offers convenient methods like thenCombine() and thenCompose() to compose and process the results in a streamlined manner.
  • Dependency Management: CompletableFuture allows you to express dependencies between tasks, ensuring that a task starts only when its dependencies are completed. This helps in managing complex workflows and ensures that tasks are executed in the desired order.
  • Responsive Applications: By leveraging CompletableFuture, you can build more responsive and interactive applications. Asynchronous processing frees up the main thread to handle other tasks, making your application more scalable and allowing it to respond to user requests more quickly.

Benefits of CompletableFuture

Using CompletableFuture offers several benefits in concurrent programming:

  • Concurrency: CompletableFuture enables concurrent execution of tasks, taking advantage of multi-core systems and improving overall performance.
  • Readability: CompletableFuture provides a fluent and expressive API, making your code more readable and maintaining a clear flow of execution.
  • Flexibility: It allows you to combine, transform, and process results in various ways, adapting to the specific requirements of your application.
  • Error Handling: With built-in error handling capabilities, `CompletableFuture` simplifies handling exceptions and exceptional cases, promoting more robust and reliable code.
  • Integration: `CompletableFuture` seamlessly integrates with other features introduced in Java 8, such as lambdas and functional interfaces, enabling a more functional programming style.


CompletableFuture in Java 8 provides a versatile and powerful tool for handling asynchronous tasks and orchestrating complex workflows. By leveraging its features, you can improve performance, handle errors gracefully, and build more responsive applications.

Consider using CompletableFuture when you have asynchronous operations, parallel processing needs, or complex dependency management requirements. It offers a wide range of capabilities to streamline your code and make it more scalable and maintainable.

I hope this explanation helps you understand when to use `CompletableFuture` in Java 8! Let me know if you have any further questions.

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